Athanasius Quotes

“He became what we are so that He might make us what He is.”

“Jesus, whom I know as my Redeemer, cannot be less than God.”

“The glory of God is a living human being; and the life of the human is the vision of God.”

“He who chooses Christ finds everything in Him.”

“The self-revealing of the Word is in every dimension—above, in creation; below, in the Incarnation; in the depths, in Hades; in the breadth, throughout the world.”

“The Lord did not come to make a display. He came to heal and to teach suffering men.”

“Christ was made man that we might be made God.”

“The resurrection of Christ is the seed of the future resurrection.”

“If we understand the Scriptures rightly, they direct us to Christ.”

“The life of the Christian ought to be a mirror reflecting the perfection and holiness of God.”

“The Savior was made man, that He might make us sons of God.”

“He suffered not for His own sake but for the sake of all, and because of the disobedience of men.”

“The knowledge of God is the redemption and deliverance of the soul.”

“He who remains in the truth will never fall.”

“Christ is the perfect revelation of the Father.”

“God became man so that man might become divine.”

“The Word of God, incorporeal, incorruptible, and immaterial, came into our realm.”

“By His wounds, we are healed, and through His suffering, we are redeemed.”

“The life of faith is the true philosophy.”

“Christ made Himself subject to the curse for our sake.”

“The work of Christ is to unite what was divided and reconcile what was estranged.”

“Holiness is the path to understanding God.”

“The Incarnation is the center of all divine mysteries.”

“The human race would have perished unless the Lord and Savior intervened.”

“It is not possible to speak of God apart from Christ.”

“In Him, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden.”

“The Word took flesh to heal our infirmity.”

“Through His death, Christ abolished death for all who believe.”

“He showed His love for us by His sacrifice on the cross.”

“The truth of God cannot be compromised by falsehood.”

“The light of Christ shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.”

“To know God is eternal life.”

“The Word became flesh to renew all creation.”

“The divine became human so that the human might share in the divine.”

“Through His humility, Christ exalted humanity.”

“The love of God is revealed in the Incarnation of Christ.”

“He bore our sins in His body on the tree.”

“God’s mercy is shown in the gift of His Son.”

“The church is the body of Christ, united in faith and love.”

“Through Christ, the heavens are opened to us.”

“In the resurrection, we find the hope of glory.”

“Faith in Christ transforms the soul.”

“The work of redemption is the greatest act of divine love.”

“Through the cross, we are reconciled to God.”

“The life of the believer is hidden in Christ.”

“Christ is the eternal Word, unchanging and true.”

“The love of God compels us to live for Him.”

“The Incarnation is the bridge between heaven and earth.”

“The power of sin is broken through the blood of Christ.”

“In Christ, we are made new, holy, and acceptable to God.”

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