“I is another.”
“Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge.”
“Genius is the recovery of childhood at will.”
“Life is the farce which everyone has to perform.”
“I found a new silence to fill the void of my days.”
“I turned silences and nights into words.”
“The poet makes himself a seer by a long, prodigious, and rational disordering of the senses.”
“Idle youth, enslaved to everything; by being too sensitive, I have wasted my life.”
“I will never work, I will plunge myself into the abyss.”
“I tried to invent new flowers, new stars, new flesh, new languages.”
“The sun, the ruler of the sky, may fade and die, but poetry remains eternal.”
“The world sleeps for lack of rages.”
“Through the windows, the dawn and the sky shatter into fragments of infinity.”
“I loved the desert, the parched earth, the immense skies.”
“I invented colors for the vowels.”
“I alone hold the key to this savage parade.”
“I am an ephemeral and a not-too-discontented citizen of a metropolis considered modern.”
“To whom shall I hire myself? What beast must I adore? What sacred image shall I attack?”
“No one serious at twenty has ever understood life.”
“The cry of a child rises like the rush of winds over the calm sea.”
“I dreamed of crusades, voyages of discovery I had never seen.”
“The sea is a mirror where my soul contemplates its splendor.”
“My hungry heart shatters the bounds of reason and time.”
“I’ve stretched out ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; chains of gold from star to star, and I dance.”
“I abandoned my human duties to plunge into the madness of love.”
“I tired of nations and I hated them.”
“The soul is to be made monstrous.”
“A poet can only touch the infinite by embracing the unknown.”
“I want to be a magician and to transform life.”
“The storms, the tides, the constellations spoke to me in their own language.”
“I have dreamed the splendor of unreason.”
“I destroyed everything that belonged to me, to create a path to eternity.”
“I stared at cities full of fears and the desires of man.”
“I am from the race of those who sing in darkness.”
“For a long time, I would go to bed early; a stranger to dreams.”
“I suffered, but I reinvented joy in the ruins.”
“My life is an adventure no other mind can endure.”
“Beauty will be convulsive, or it will not exist.”
“The world speaks to us in riddles, and poetry is the answer.”
“All boundaries are imaginary; the mind is infinite.”
“I sought gods in the murmur of the streams and the whispers of the trees.”
“Nothing is ever truly lost, only transformed.”
“My nights were consumed by the stars’ melancholy light.”
“I created words, seeking to give a voice to the void.”
“The world is a theater; I merely play my part.”
“I drank the sun, and it set fire to my soul.”
“I do not belong to this age or this time.”
“The mind must be scorched and purified by the fire of poetry.”
“I saw the cities of man dissolve into the chaos of dreams.”
“I will always be the traveler, lost in his quest for eternity.”