“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”
“I hate the indifferent. I believe that living means taking sides.”
“All men are intellectuals, but not all men have in society the function of intellectuals.”
“To tell the truth is revolutionary.”
“Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.”
“Every relationship of ‘hegemony’ is necessarily an educational relationship.”
“The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born.”
“The starting point of critical elaboration is the consciousness of what one really is.”
“Ideas and opinions are not spontaneously ‘born’ in each individual brain.”
“A social group can, indeed must, already exercise ‘leadership’ before winning governmental power.”
“The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned.”
“I’m a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.”
“Hegemony is as much a matter of consensus as it is coercion.”
“To educate oneself to think dialectically means to overcome the elementary stage of contradictory thought.”
“Culture is something that each of us learns in relation to others.”
“History teaches but has no pupils.”
“Every revolution has been preceded by an intense labor of criticism.”
“The dominant group uses ‘cultural hegemony’ to maintain its power.”
“In acquiring one’s conception of the world, one always belongs to a particular grouping.”
“Man is not ruled by force alone, but also by ideas.”
“The intellectuals of the ruling class carry out an important ‘function’ in maintaining social order.”
“Each new generation must reinterpret the cultural heritage of its society.”
“True knowledge requires the practical transformation of reality.”
“Prison is a physical cage, but ideology can be a mental one.”
“The truth is always revolutionary because it challenges the status quo.”
“The masses have to be won to an active consensus, not just a passive acceptance.”
“A language is an instrument of hegemony.”
“You cannot separate thought from action.”
“Hegemony is not domination by force, but consent given by the masses.”
“The revolution is not an event; it is a process.”
“Every philosophy is an expression of its time.”
“The human will can transform objective conditions.”
“Revolutionaries must wage a war of position, not just a war of maneuver.”
“The state must be understood as an ‘educator’ of society.”
“Civil society is the battleground where hegemony is contested.”
“Critical thinking is the tool of the revolutionary.”
“Common sense is the uncritical worldview of the masses.”
“The intellectual is not an isolated figure but part of a social group.”
“Revolutions are the locomotives of history.”
“The proletariat must create its own intellectuals.”
“Subaltern groups must develop their own cultural autonomy.”
“The role of culture is to develop the intellectual and moral capacities of a people.”
“A ruling class maintains power by shaping culture to reflect its values.”
“The struggle for hegemony is the struggle for control over how people think.”
“Revolutionary change begins in the mind before it reaches the streets.”
“The individual becomes truly human only in society.”
“Freedom is won through struggle, not given by rulers.”
“Philosophy must become concrete to influence real change.”
“History is a continuous process of becoming.”
“Revolutionary optimism arises from the belief in the transformative power of human action.”