Angelina Jolie Quotes

“I do believe in the old saying, ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ Our experiences, good and bad, make us who we are.”

“Make bold choices and make mistakes. It’s all those things that add up to the person you become.”

“When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers, I kind of wanted to be a vampire.”

“I have a strong will to love and survive.”

“We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”

“I don’t believe in guilt. I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person.”

“If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.”

“Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering, we’d never learn from our mistakes.”

“There’s something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.”

“To be in any way a contribution to society, to our planet, that is what I find the most rewarding.”

“I am a strong believer that without justice, there is no peace. No lasting peace.”

“I think scars are beautiful, because they mean you’ve survived.”

“When I get logical and I don’t trust my instincts—that’s when I get in trouble.”

“You’d think, ‘What if I make a mistake today, I’ll regret it forever.’ But it’s better to be honest and make mistakes than to be false.”

“You leave a mark on the world, whether you mean to or not.”

“Be brave, be bold, be free.”

“When you work as a humanitarian, you are aware that you can’t fix the whole world. But you’ve made a difference in one person’s life.”

“I think people who have known adversity are more able to relax in their own skin.”

“The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free.”

“There is no shame in working hard and loving what you do.”

“Figure out who you are separately from your family, and the man or woman you’re in a relationship with. Find out who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone.”

“A single journey can change the course of a life.”

“Nothing would mean anything if I didn’t live a life of use to others.”

“It’s important to figure out who you’re not so you can be who you are.”

“What sets you apart can feel like a burden, and it’s not. And a lot of the time, it’s what makes you great.”

“Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.”

“Every day we choose who we are by how we define ourselves.”

“Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it.”

“Be unapologetic for your dreams, your voice, and your purpose.”

“Kindness and compassion are never wasted.”

“I have a passion for learning. I am constantly learning about new things.”

“We have a responsibility to be aware of the world around us.”

“You are going to live a long time, and you have to live with yourself.”

“There’s something about being around people who have lived through war that gives you an understanding of what’s important in life.”

“Love is not a burden, it’s a gift.”

“I think that’s why we do it all—give love to our kids, to our partners, to our families—because the love we give is the only thing that lasts.”

“I will never be the kind of woman who relies on a man for my own happiness.”

“The world needs more strong women, more kind men, and more fearless children.”

“Do what you love, and don’t let anyone stop you.”

“The best way to make a difference is to start with the little things that matter.”

“Strength comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t.”

“Your journey is your own. Embrace it.”

“We have a choice about how we take what happens to us in our lives and whether or not we allow it to turn us. We can become consumed by hate and darkness, or we’re able to regain our humanity somehow, or come to terms with things and learn something about ourselves.”

“I hope my children know the power of forgiveness and the strength it takes to move on from pain.”

“Never let your fears dictate who you are.”

“I think it’s so important to believe in yourself and have faith in your dreams.”

“I don’t see myself as a role model; I see myself as an individual trying to do the right thing.”

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

“Empowerment begins with owning your story.”

“Live boldly, and with a purpose.”

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