Alexander Fleming Quotes

“One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.”

“The unprepared mind cannot see the outstretched hand of opportunity.”

“I never set out to revolutionize medicine; I was just doing my job.”

“Penicillin sat on the shelf for over a decade while I was called a quack.”

“Nature makes penicillin; I just found it.”

“It is not the creation but the application of discovery that makes the difference.”

“Antibiotics are a tool, not a cure-all.”

“It is not hard to make microbes resistant to penicillin.”

“I always knew that science could change the course of history.”

“Success often comes when you least expect it.”

“An accidental observation changed the world forever.”

“I owe my discovery to a happy accident.”

“My only merit is perseverance.”

“Humanity must remain vigilant against overusing its greatest weapons.”

“Every discovery is a child of time and chance.”

“Penicillin has cured millions but could lose its power due to misuse.”

“Science progresses by steps, not leaps.”

“A scientist’s job is to observe, even in failure.”

“Nature is the best scientist of all.”

“The solution was right in front of us; we just had to see it.”

“I was lucky to have seen what others overlooked.”

“The future of medicine depends on responsible innovation.”

“No great discovery is ever the work of one person alone.”

“Penicillin will cure some but not ignorance.”

“Serendipity plays a major role in scientific breakthroughs.”

“Observation is the foundation of invention.”

“The answers are out there, waiting for those who seek them.”

“The medical miracles of tomorrow depend on the wisdom of today.”

“The first principle of science is curiosity.”

“Research is a never-ending quest for truth.”

“I didn’t discover penicillin; nature did.”

“Science offers hope to the sick and the suffering.”

“A breakthrough is only the beginning of the journey.”

“To do good research, you must embrace the unknown.”

“Even the smallest findings can have the biggest impacts.”

“The power of penicillin lies in its ability to save lives.”

“We owe much to chance in the field of discovery.”

“The proper use of antibiotics is a matter of life and death.”

“What we do with discoveries defines their value.”

“The natural world holds the keys to countless cures.”

“Without diligence, even the greatest discoveries can be lost.”

“Science should serve humanity, not profit.”

“I credit my success to observation and curiosity.”

“Breakthroughs require open-mindedness.”

“Penicillin is just one chapter in the book of discovery.”

“Science thrives on the intersection of chance and preparation.”

“The legacy of discovery is responsibility.”

“The best discoveries often appear simple in hindsight.”

“The future demands ethical science.”

“Every cure begins with the courage to explore.”

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