“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
“We must pass through the darkness to reach the light.”
“Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted.”
“The inward light is the true light.”
“Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.”
“Genuine work alone, what thou workest faithfully, is eternal.”
“The wise man learns more from his enemies than the fool does from his friends.”
“Everywhere in the infinite realms of the universe, the works of the Eternal are harmonies.”
“The human voice cannot mount up into these boundless solitudes and silence.”
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
“A war for a great principle ennobles a nation.”
“Knowledge is power only when wisely used.”
“He who endeavors to serve, to benefit, and to improve the world is like a swimmer who struggles against a rapid current in a river lashed into angry waves by storms.”
“The highest wisdom is not to destroy, but to harmonize.”
“Every truth in the universe teaches us that we are one with the Infinite.”
“The truths of religion are not abstract truths, but are facts of human consciousness.”
“Honor and duty are two wings on which we fly to greatness.”
“No one can obtain the true knowledge of God until he discovers God within himself.”
“Virtue is its own reward.”
“We must dare to be wise; dare to be true; dare to be honest.”
“A good action is never lost; it is a treasure laid up and guarded for the doer’s need.”
“The universe is one vast symbol of God.”
“We are born for a higher destiny than that of earth; there is a realm where the rainbow never fades.”
“Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.”
“To learn, you must want to be taught.”
“Faith must have adequate evidence, else it is mere superstition.”
“Work is noble; the idle are ignoble.”
“Hope is the magic carpet that transports us from the present to the realm of infinite possibilities.”
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquest of it.”
“The universe is full of life; the soul of man reflects its image.”
“Morality is the light and mirror of faith.”
“The greatest thing a man can do is to conquer himself.”
“Human progress is not a harmonious march, but a succession of combats and victories.”
“Faith is belief in the unseen, the unproved, the unknown.”
“Wisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge to the proper use.”
“The greatest honor lies in doing what is right, not what is easy.”
“Life is a school in which we are the pupils and the Infinite is the teacher.”
“Harmony is the first law of the universe.”
“All good actions are forms of light.”
“Toil, feel, think, do; learn life’s lessons, and know its wisdom.”
“Knowledge and virtue are always allies.”
“The road to excellence is steep and rugged.”
“The soul that is within me no man can degrade.”
“Humanity is a link in the infinite chain of being.”
“The truth of all truths lies in simplicity.”
“We grow by striving, and we ascend by conquering.”
“Every man’s actions are an open book, by which his true character is written.”
“Time is the great teacher.”
“To master yourself is the greatest of victories.”
“The essence of greatness is service to others.”