“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
“What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.”
“The only source of knowledge is experience.”
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.”
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
“Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.”
“If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.”
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.”
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
“You never fail until you stop trying.”
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
“A ship is always safe at shore, but that’s not what it’s built for.”
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.”
“Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds.”
“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
“Out of clutter, find simplicity.”
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.”
“The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance.”
“Information is not knowledge.”
“Play is the highest form of research.”
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.”
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
“Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work.”
“All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree.”
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
“The only way to escape the corruptible effect of praise is to go on working.”
“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulate the creative mind.”
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.”
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the universe.”
“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion.”
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
“Where there is love there is no imposition.”
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.”
“To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.”
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
“Nothing happens until something moves.”
“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.”
“The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.”
“Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.”
“You ask me if I keep a notebook to record my great ideas. I’ve only ever had one.”
“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”
“The hardest thing in the world to understand is income taxes.”
“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.”
“True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist.”
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”
“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.”
“Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.”
“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.”
“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain.”
“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.”
“What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world.”
“We should take care not to make the intellect our god.”
“The search for truth is more precious than its possession.”
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.”
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”
“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”
“The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule.”
“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”
“Love is a better teacher than duty.”
“Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today’s events.”
“Time is an illusion.”
“A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.”
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
“Men marry women with the hope they will never change.”
“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.”
“I do not believe in the immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern.”
“We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.”
“All of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday thinking.”
“The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.”
“God is subtle but not malicious.”
“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”
“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”
“Imagination is the highest form of research.”
“Human beings must have action, and they will make it if they cannot find it.”
“I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb.”
“To my mind, a life without music is a life without meaning.”
“An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.”
“Even on the most solemn occasions I got away without wearing socks.”
“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”
“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”