Aeschylus Quotes

“Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart.”

“Wisdom comes alone through suffering.”

“The reward of suffering is experience.”

“Obedience is the mother of success, and success the parent of salvation.”

“Time brings all things to pass.”

“Memory is the mother of all wisdom.”

“Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.”

“The man who does ill must suffer ill.”

“The future you shall know when it has come; before then, forget it.”

“There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.”

“For it is the doom of men that they forget.”

“It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath.”

“Words are the physicians of a mind diseased.”

“The wise learn many things from their enemies.”

“Only when man’s life comes to its end in prosperity can one call that man happy.”

“For the mighty, even the greatest falls.”

“Justice turns the scale for those to whom through suffering teach wisdom.”

“Fear is stronger than love.”

“When a man’s willing and eager, the gods join in.”

“Death is softer by far than tyranny.”

“When the will is ready, the feet are light.”

“Destiny waits alike for the free man as well as for him enslaved by another’s might.”

“In war, truth is the first casualty.”

“God loves to help him who strives to help himself.”

“From a small seed of envy sprouted forth the mighty oak of hatred.”

“I pray the gods may find a way to bring peace.”

“Tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of the world.”

“Success is man’s god.”

“Bitter is the root of love grown from a lie.”

“A prosperous fool is a grievous burden.”

“Reverence for parents stands written among the three laws of most revered righteousness.”

“For somehow this is tyranny’s disease, to trust no friends.”

“Force has no place where there is need of skill.”

“It is always in season for old men to learn.”

“He who learns must suffer, and even in our sleep, pain falls drop by drop upon the heart.”

“He who acts, shall endure.”

“The force of necessity is irresistible.”

“Courage, my friends; ’tis not too late to build a better world.”

“For the dead there are no more toils.”

“For a great doom is upon us, and there is no escaping it.”

“Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend’s success without envy.”

“It is an easy thing for one whose foot is on the outside of calamity to give advice and to rebuke the sufferer.”

“There is no escape from the wheel of fate.”

“Zeus, first cause, prime mover; for what thing without Zeus is done among mortals?”

“The way of truth is a straight path, but the way of man often turns to darkness.”

“Evil counsel travels fast.”

“You are the tormentor of your own soul.”

“He who serves his brother best gets nearer God than all the rest.”

“Destiny waits alike for the free man as well as for him enslaved by another’s might.”

“The limit of your wisdom and virtue can only be tested when both are threatened.”

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